Wednesday, October 15, 2014

One Hour of FarmVille

So I have now played FarmVille for an hour. Behold the fruits of my labor:

What's that, you say? You don't see the aforementioned fruits?

Well that would be because it takes FOUR MORE HOURS before I can harvest anything. You see the little farmer me there on the side? Even her tiny, low-resolution features seem to reflect my boredom and disdain. Don't believe me? Take a closer look:

That is the face of a woman who has given up on trying to find meaning in anything.

Now, I've had gaming problems before. When I was in grade school, I enjoyed endless (meaning that there is no clear storyline or ultimate goal) games like World of Warcraft to a certain point, but my addiction was Pharaoh, a simple but awesome ancient Egyptian city-builder. I could easily sink many hours of every day into that game, to the point that I forgot to be hungry when mealtimes came around. And more recently, the games like Candy Crush were my poison. Knowing that FarmVille was a lot like a city builder and that I am quite capable of getting addicted to games, I was very anxious about playing this game.

I needn't have feared. The interface is clumsy, buggy, and confusing. You don't see results from your labor for far too long for it to feel exciting, and when I couldn't even find a red barn to build on my land, I stopped caring entirely.

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